Dr. Mattmann publishes Guest Opinion Piece in the New York Times: A.I. is coming for the past too

Dr. Mattmann is very proud to share his first ever Guest Opinion piece for the The New York Times! This is done in collaboration with his colleague and good friend Jake Shapiro.

🤖 A.I. is here and so are deepfakes and A.I. generated content.

🔎 Watermarking has the potential to help us define what is real and what is not for the future, but what about the past?

👓 The potential to fake past events with A.I. in a believable way can incite deep emotions, and present a clear and present danger to rewrite history.

💼 In this opinion piece Drs. Shapiro and Mattmann provide a call to action for the community that “A.I. is coming for the past, too”

You can read the piece below or at the New York Times page.

#nyt #artificialintelligence #linkedintopvoices



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