Dr. Mattmann joins Marla Tellez and Elex Michaelson on Fox 11 Los Angeles to discuss A.I. controversy surrounding Sports Illustrated using fake AI profiles to publish content on their properties

Dr. Mattmann had the privilege to join FOX 11 Los Angeles – KTTV and Marla Tellez and Elex Michaelson last night to discuss the A.I. controversy surrounding Sports Illustrated using generative A.I. profiles for fake reporters that don’t exist to generate content for their various properties. He shouted out Futurism and Maggie Harrison for her work providing the facts and details that forced S.I. to admit they were “working with a third party” to do this. Dr. Mattmann expects more of this in the coming year as we ramp up towards elections and beyond its already increasing use in the fields of journalism and sports media. Also Dr. Mattman had to shout out The Sporting Tribune and Arash Markazi who were all over this, pointing out that The Verge had already noted this was happening last Feb/March 2023. You can watch a clip on the X platform here.



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